Top Things to Know About Facelift: Anti-Aging Surgery

Facelift surgery is one of the most popular and commonly performed procedures that is performed to provide facial rejuvenation and improve the signs of aging in the face and neck. It reduces the signs of aging, i.e., fine lines and wrinkles, and makes one look younger. Though facelifts are considered a very popular procedure, there are a few things about them that people are not aware of. Before considering this surgery, it's important to be well-informed about the procedure.

In this article, we have taken references from Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned plastic surgeon who is widely famous for performing the best facelift in Delhi. Here we have rounded up 8 key things to know about facelift procedures that one must know before they book their surgery date. Keep reading to learn more about facelift procedures.

Here are A Few Facts One Needs to Know About Facelift Surgery

1. Facelift Addresses Multiple Signs of Aging

The gradual decline of the face’s health can be a result of various processes, like the face’s thinness and lack of facial fat. The causes of these issues involve gaining weight, smoking, aging, genetics, or stress. A facelift surgery helps to restore multiple signs of aging by eradicating pores, tightening tissues, and wrapping the remaining pores to achieve a tighter appearance. If one ever experienced any of the below signs of aging, a facelift could be an ideal option for them in just one treatment:

  • Sagging facial tissues around the jawline, neck, or midface

  • Deep wrinkles appear at the nostrils, which go down into the mouth

  • While smiling, one notices wrinkles that appear at the corners of the lips. These are known as marionette folds.

  • A jowly face or a double chin

  • Facial fat

2. It is Beneficial for Men, Too

Many individuals believe that facelift surgery is only restricted to women. However, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), a facelift was one of the most popular procedures of 2017 for both sexes. A facelift procedure helps improve the signs of aging for men too. If one is interested in availing the benefits of ant-aging in Delhi with a facelift, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned facelift surgeon, at Aestiva Clinic.

3. Facelift Surgery Can be of Two Types

The facelift surgery is of two types, i.e., skin lift and SMAS lift. Skin lifts are the easiest type of facelift, which involves the excision of excess skin without addressing the underlying muscles. This procedure is much quicker and has less downtime. However, the results of this procedure are not long-lasting as the skin gets stretched again. However, a SMAS lift is a refined version of the facelift that addresses the laxity of the underlying facial tissues. The SMAS is a fibrous tissue between the subcutaneous fat and facial muscles. It increases the strength of the repair and the longevity of the results.

4. A Facelift Can be Combined With Other Procedures As Well

A facelift can do wonders by itself. But some patients get combined procedures, with other types of plastic surgeries. For the best results, one might need additional procedures such as a neck lift, dermal fillers, skin resurfacing, forehead lift, brow lift, etc.

5. The Recovery Period is Important Just as the Procedure Itself

Although it takes time to achieve the final results of a facelift, the recovery period takes less time. It is difficult to give a certain timeframe for the recovery time since it depends on a number of factors, including age, patient health, and the type of treatment carried out. During the recovery period, the swelling goes down, the redness goes away, and the skin heals into its final form. 

Patients are given detailed instructions regarding the recovery process, but it's crucial to realize that these instructions are not optional; rather, they are necessary for a more comfortable recovery period and a satisfying surgery outcome. For instance, smoking has a negative impact on the natural healing of the body, so it is a good idea to quit smoking both before and after the surgery.

6. No Facelift Lasts Forever

Facelift procedures are not considered permanent fixes. They are just temporary solutions to aging skin, and they cannot be undone. However, one may achieve results that may deteriorate over time due to natural aging processes. Because of this, one may require another procedure to address the signs of aging. Moreover, it is important to note that as compared to other non-surgical options to address aging facelift produce outcomes that last longer. 

7. One Can Get a Facelift at Any Age

There is no perfect age to get a facelift. It is about the concerns that one is facing. While many individuals choose to get a facelift in their 40s and 50s. Moreover, one may be a candidate at any age if they are experiencing jowls, lower facial sagging, deep folds, a square face shape, or flat or fallen cheeks. In most situations, it is best to address the signs of aging as early as possible. The more advanced these signs become, the more complex the procedure will be to achieve a rejuvenated look.

8. One Can Expect a Week Away from their Usual Routine

The recovery timeline will depend on the techniques the surgeon has used and on the complexity of the procedure. Most of the patients are able to return to their normal activities within a week or so. The swelling resolves within two weeks, although minor swelling may last for a couple of months.

Choose the Best Surgeon to Achieve Effective Outcomes from a Facelift

To sum it up, through this blog, we have discussed the crucial facts every individual must know about a facelift and the benefits the procedure brings along. However, if one is interested in undergoing a facelift procedure, the foremost part lies in choosing a skilled facelift surgeon. Choosing a skilled surgeon will perform facelift techniques that minimizes the downtime, and increases the likelihood of achieving the best results. One such specialist is Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, who is known for performing the best facelift in Delhi.

If one wants to learn more about facelift surgery or its cost, one can schedule a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, an expert facelift surgeon, at Aestiva Clinic today.


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