Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation Surgery


Are you thinking of undergoing breast augmentation surgery?

If you are considering breast augmentation or breast implant surgery, then frequently asked questions are the best way to learn about this popular cosmetic surgery. Before scheduling the breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, breast augmentation surgeon in Delhi makes sure that her patient’s are fully informed and well-rehearsed about the procedure so that they can have realistic expectations about the surgery and are also satisfied with the results. Below are some of the common frequently asked questions about breast augmentation surgery answered by an expert plastic surgeon in Delhi Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic:

What is breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that helps to enhance the shape, size, and volume of the breast for aesthetic reasons. This is achieved in two ways, one is fat grafting using liposuction technique to remove fat from other body areas and relocating it in breasts and another is the use of breast implants or prosthesis. 

Am I a candidate for breast augmentation? 

For breast augmentation, the candidate must be in good physical health with fully-developed breasts and be aware of the benefits of breast implants. Ideally, this surgery is for women who wish to have a desired breast size, shape, and contour to be able to wear any clothing or dress of their choice and have a better figure. It is also suitable for women who have breastfed or given birth to a single child or children but consequently have to suffer from significant changes in breast appearance. 

Which breast implant is best to choose, saline or silicone? 

If one wishes to have the most natural-appearing and natural-feeling breast implant, then silicone-based implants are the best choice. These are safe and the softest implants in the market that cannot collapse even after a leakage of the shell of the implant. Nowadays, gummy bear implants are popular as they contain highly cohesive silicone gel that cannot get dispersed even after breakage.

In contrast, saline breast implants have two major advantages over silicone implants, which are-

  • They are cost-effective.
  • There is absolutely no negative impact on an individual’s health even after its breakage as they are only filled with saltwater that eventually gets eliminated from the body as urine.

To know more about breast implant cost in Delhi, schedule an appointment with an expert at Aestiva Clinic.

Will breast augmentation make me prone to breast cancer?

The studies reveal that women who have breast implants are not at risk of developing breast cancer. Moreover, the breast implants cannot delay cancer detection, hence the doctor can still find breast tumors with mammography technique. 

What is the right age for having a breast augmentation?  

It is a personal decision as to when the surgery must be done. Women may enjoy the benefits offered by surgery prior to having childbirth as breast augmentation does not change the breastfeeding ability of the mother. However, there are chances that due to loss of sensitivity of breasts, there may be possible interference with the reflexes that are needed at the time of nursing of a child. The breasts often have a volume loss after pregnancy or breastfeeding due to natural changes in the body irrespective of being augmented or not.

Do breast implants cause problems in mammography readings?

In people with sub-glandular placed implants (i.e. over the muscle) an obstruction might be created with mammography readings. But with a submuscular breast implant (i.e. placed behind the muscle), there is reduced interference.

What happens in the recovery period for breast augmentation?

Following the operation, the patients must have narcotic pain medication at least for 2 days and NSAIDs after it to get relief from any discomfort. They must not indulge in intense physical activities at least for 6 weeks. This includes upper arm movements while jogging, swimming, or biking, and lifting heavy objects. Driving can be done after a week if allowed by the doctor when narcotics intake has stopped. The patient must wear compression garments for at least 6 weeks and sleep always on the backside until the healing is complete.


The recovery time may vary for every patient, but usually, they can return to their normal daily routine activities after 48 to 72 hours of the surgery. 

To know more about the cost of Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi, Schedule an appointment with the best plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mrinalini Sharma.


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